Simple Jacket for Mantled Beast
A very simple jacket mesh that goes on the Mantled Beast model by Nicoreda & JediHaloKnight, which you can get here: Nico & JHK Mantled Beast (
As this is my first released accessory (and a simple one at that), I intend for this to be free to use, but consider tossing a dollar my way, and also give a rating, if you like what you see. Either of those actions let me know that I'm doing something right & acts as motivation for more accessory releases for different avatars.💙
Needs Poiyomi 8.0 for material included in the package to work & requires unity knowledge.
As far as TOS goes, don't feel obligated to credit me when using this jacket, though it would be appreciated, but please don't claim this as your own.
You will get a file that contains...